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Sticking to It: Tips to Turn Oral Care into a Daily Routine You’ll Love

July 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drpettigrew @ 7:34 pm
Patient flossing their teeth for better oral care

Most everyone knows that brushing and flossing are critical for keeping their teeth clean and cavity-free. But sometimes, it’s easy to skip a day or two. You may not mean to, after all, things happen! Even so, the key to a healthy smile is consistency, so how do you make oral care a “stickier” habit? Read on to learn a few simple tricks to keep oral care a solid part of your daily routine!

Make it Fun

Who says brushing and flossing have to be boring? Spice up your routine by using products that you enjoy. Invest in a toothbrush with a color or design that makes you smile or pick a toothpaste flavor that feels like a treat. While you brush, crank up some music or catch up on a podcast. Your whole routine should only last a few minutes, so by the time you’re done, you’ll wish it was longer!

Set Reminders

If you’re having trouble remembering to take care of your teeth, try setting a daily reminder on your phone. Sticky notes on your bathroom mirror can also be a great visual reference for seeing whether you’ve done your duty for the day. These little nudges can help keep you on track until your oral hygiene routine becomes second nature.

Give Yourself a Reward

When you were a child, you probably heard “no dessert until you eat your dinner” from your parents. If you want to stick to your tooth care routine, try giving yourself a reward every time. With this method, you get bonus points if you pair brushing and flossing with another habit you already have.

For example, if you have a cup of coffee every morning, make it a rule to brush your teeth first. This will not only help keep your teeth cleaner, but also ensure you feel good for doing the right thing.

Track Your “Streaks”

There’s something satisfying about seeing your progress over time. Consider using a habit tracker or an app to mark each day you brush and floss. Watching your streaks add up can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep going.

Focus on the Benefits

Sometimes, all you need to stay motivated is a reminder of why you’re doing it. So, keep the benefits of regular brushing and flossing in mind! Avoiding cavities, preventing gum disease, and having fresh breath are all great reasons to brush every day. When you focus on the positive outcomes, it’s easier to make dental care a priority.

Creating a daily oral hygiene habit doesn’t have to be a chore. With these simple tips, you can turn your dental care routine into something you enjoy and look forward to every day. Start your new streak today and reach out to your dentist if you need help. Your smile will thank you!

About the Author

Dr. J. Lee Pettigrew is a dedicated FAGD dentist with hundreds of hours of continuing education. He earned his dental doctorate from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Since then, he has ensured that every patient receives the highest quality care with state-of-the-art dental technology and techniques. Call (817) 481-4888 to schedule a consultation at Hinkle Family Dental or visit our website to learn more about what we do.

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